Paula Stuebben, MD, FAAP
With Tiger Pediatrics Since 1998

Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics since 1998
PEDIATRIC RESIDENCYUniversity of Missouri-Columbia (1994-1998)
MEDICAL SCHOOLUniversity of Missouri-Columbia (1990-1994)
UNDERGRADUATE DEGREEBachelor of Science in Biology, University of Missouri-Columbia (1986-1990)
HOMETOWNEdina, Missouri
Dr. Stuebben and her husband, Tim, volunteer for a national pediatric charity called The Dream Factory. This charity provides dreams for children affected by critical AND chronic illnesses. They are very excited by the growth of the Central Missouri Chapter! She is also a sports fanatic! She follows Mizzou sports and loves to travel for football, women’s and men’s basketball, and baseball and softball. She is a diehard Cardinals fan as well.
For the past 13 years, Paula and her husband, Tim, have been involved with the American Life program through the MIZZOU School of Journalism. They have helped over 50 Danish students have a true American experience!
She loves educating parents on health, vaccines, and illness. By educating people, she hopes to instill confidence and skill. She says, “How much fun is that!?! JUST ENJOY YOUR KIDS!!! I sure do!”
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Tuesday | Boonville | Keene Street |
Wednesday | Keene Street | Keene Street |
Thursday | Off | Off |
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