Laura Weidt, MD, FAAP
With Tiger Pediatrics Since 2005

Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics since 2006, Chief of Pediatrics at Boone Hospital Center (2016)
PEDIATRIC RESIDENCYUniversity of Missouri-Columbia (2002-2005)
MEDICAL SCHOOLUniversity of Missouri-Columbia (1998-2002)
UNDERGRADUATE DEGREEBachelor of Arts in Biology, Washington University in St. Louis (1994-1998)
HOMETOWNParkville, Missouri
Dr. Weidt is married to Dan Stiefermann. Thus, she is Mrs. Stiefermann outside of the office, and a busy mom to two beautiful girls, Sarah and Kate. Dance, gymnastics, and soccer fill the evenings and weekends now! They love the outdoors, some gardening, swimming, walking, and bicycling. Her older daughter, Sarah, loves music, a pastime of Dr. Weidt’s for many years. She has played the flute and piano since early childhood, advancing to state competitions in high school and even being part of an elite a cappella group in college. She hopes to pass this on to her girls because she says, “Music is an art of expression, and a release for the mind. I believe the medicine I practice is better due to my love and understanding of music.”
Dr. Weidt has several passions in pediatrics. She is a proponent of breastfeeding when possible, and enjoys helping moms through the struggles, not only as a doctor, but as a mom with experience. She is also an advocate of vaccinations and loves to help families understand the importance of vaccinating their children in a timely manner. Lastly, she is excited for the future of Tiger Pediatrics as it becomes a medical home for thousands of children across mid-Missouri. Providing a place to come “home” to for children with chronic illnesses who have multiple doctors is a must. She loves getting to know families and wants to support them in any way she can.
Day | AM | PM |
Monday | Keene Street | Keene Street |
Tuesday | Off | Off |
Wednesday | Boonville | Keene Street |
Thursday | Keene Street | Keene Street |
Friday | Keene Street | Keene Street |