It’s tempting to want to search the internet for answers to a problem you perceive in your child. Please discuss concerns about your child with us, and do not merely rely on internet sources for the diagnosis and management of a problem. The following are reputable websites where you are bound to learn more about any pediatric topic that interests you.
- A comprehensive pediatric resource from the American Academy of Pediatrics: www.healthychildren.org/English/Pages/default.aspx
- Centers for Disease Control: http://www.cdc.gov
- Missouri Poison Center: www.missouripoisoncenter.org
- ADHD & You: www.adhdandyou.com/adhd-caregiver/does-child-have-adhd.aspx
We know and love our community. So we’ve put together a list of a few helpful local resources and several of our favorite Mid-Missouri family-friendly activities!
Daniel Boone Library:
A great resource for a variety of library programs, books, learning tools, local activities, and other fun stuff for kids to do. If you have not been to the Columbia library, your child is missing out.
- 100 W. Broadway, Columbia, MO 65203
- 573-443-3161
- www.dbrl.org
Columbia Parks and Recreation:
One of the reasons why many people love to live in mid-Missouri. Visit the website for a list of area parks and community activities to keep your children active. The ARC is an activity and recreational center open year-round with flexible hours and reasonable admission prices.
- One S. 7th Street, Columbia, MO 65201
- 573-874-7460
- www.como.gov/parks-and-recreation
Parents as Teachers:
They help organizations and professionals work with parents during the critical early years of a child’s life – conception to kindergarten.
First Steps
Missouri’s Early Intervention system for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, who have delayed development or diagnosed conditions that are associated with developmental disabilities.