Our experienced physicians and nursing staff are available to provide a wealth of primary care pediatric services in Columbia, Moberly, Mexico and Boonville.
Sick visits and same day appointments are available every day of the week in Columbia.
Well child visits available 5 days a week in Columbia
Tiger Pediatrics accepts most major commercial health insurance plans and managed Medicaid plans.
Our providers follow the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines and other trusted medical literature sources that form the foundation of evidence based clinical practice, and we are continually measuring the quality outcomes which positively impact the care we provide for each child.
A medical home is not a place (e.g. our physical office space). It is the systematic way care is provided to your child and family to meet the healthcare needs of your child and family.
The cornerstone of Tiger Pediatrics is quality, convenience, compassionate, and personal care.
We draw on our knowledge of the healthcare industry and progressive business management to provide value to our patients, physicians, and healthcare organization.
Tiger Pediatrics believes strongly in breastfeeding, and has a Certified Lactation Consultant available to assist with support and answer questions.